What is Indian Economy & Issues Relating to planning .

Indian economy and and issues relating to planning : tax missed massively in cast fiscal year . 
Reason ; - poor GST collections.
- Requires tax receipts to increase by around 25%.
-  but witnessed only 6% in first quarter over previous year 
- Govt. has offered tax rate reductions to 25% of profits  to companies that do not avail of other concessions.
Result ; significant tax shortfalls in current year unless govt takes proactive measures. 

  Arguments against 

- Government has been to or increasing GST rates which would be  regressive & counter productive in slowdown 


- MNCs  should pay their fair share of taxes.
   Reason ; - MNCs manage to avoid taxation in most countries by shifting their declared costs & revenues . 
- IMF estimated that countries lost $500 bollion year because of this.
  Result ; - creates an uneven playing field , since domestic companies have been to pay taxes that MNCs can avoid .

e.g  Google is MNC company . 
it establish ABC company in mauritious .

- OECD took initiates  for base erosion & profit shifting this process has delivered few benefits but these are limited . 
 Reason ; - it has continued to operate on basis of arm's length principle of treating subsidiaries as separate entities .
Independent commission for reform of international cooperate tax since MNC actually function as one entity , it should be that way for tax purposes .

- only for digital companies total profits of mnc should  be calculates based on scales , employment & users.


Indian Govt. to look at this issue seriously & take clear  position at OECD  meeting . 


outcome will be very important for  its own ability to raise tax revenues 
- Govt. that is currently ineffective in batting both economic slowdown & declining tax revenues cannot afford to neglect this cricial opportunity . more public pressure is required to make govt. respond.



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